A runner is jogging in a straight line at a steady v 2.2 km/hr. When the runner is L= 6.6 km from the finish line, a bird begins flying straight from the runner to the finish line at v=11 km/hr (5 times as fast as the runner). When the bird reaches the finish line, it turns around and flies directly back to the runner.

What cumulative distance does the bird travel? Even though the bird is a dodo, as sume that it occupies only one point in space (a "zero" length bird), travels in a straight line, and that it can turn without loss of speed.

Answer in units of km.

I think you have left out the part where the bird keeps flying back and forth until the race is finished. If so, then the runner has

6.6/2.2 = 3 hours left to run.
So the bird will fly 11*3 = 30 km