Jimmy ran 40 meters west from home and then turned north to jog 15 meters.  Jimmy ran 55 meters, but could have arrived at the same point by jogging in a straight line.  How many meters could he have jogged using a straight line distance?(1 point)Responses912.5 m912.5 m42.7m42.7m15 m15 m8 m

To find the straight line distance Jimmy could have jogged, we can use the Pythagorean theorem, which states that a² + b² = c² where a and b are the two legs of a right triangle and c is the hypotenuse (longest side).

In this case, Jimmy jogged 40 meters west and then 15 meters north, so the two legs of the right triangle are 40 meters and 15 meters.

40² + 15² = c²
1600 + 225 = c²
1825 = c²
c ≈ √1825
c ≈ 42.7 meters

Therefore, Jimmy could have jogged approximately 42.7 meters using a straight line distance. So the correct answer is:
