The air temperature is 70 degrees, and the relative humidity is 90%. Which conclusion can be made?(1 point)

The amount of water vapor in the air is 90% of what the air can hold.
The amount of water vapor in the air is 90% of what the air can hold.

The temperature must rise in order for air to become saturated with water vapor.
The temperature must rise in order for air to become saturated with water vapor.

The air holds little water vapor and is relatively dry.
The air holds little water vapor and is relatively dry.

The dew point temperature is 90% of the air temperature

The correct conclusion is: "The amount of water vapor in the air is 90% of what the air can hold." To understand this conclusion, we need to understand the concept of relative humidity.

Relative humidity is a measure of how much moisture is present in the air compared to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at a specific temperature. It is expressed as a percentage.

In this case, the air temperature is given as 70 degrees. The relative humidity is given as 90%, which means that the air is holding 90% of the maximum amount of water vapor it can hold at 70 degrees. This indicates that the air is quite humid and has a significant amount of water vapor.

To answer this question, you needed to understand the relationship between air temperature and relative humidity. Specifically, as the air temperature increases, the air can hold more water vapor, so the air becomes more saturated. Therefore, the second conclusion, "The temperature must rise in order for air to become saturated with water vapor," is incorrect.

The third conclusion, "The air holds little water vapor and is relatively dry," is also incorrect as it contradicts the given relative humidity of 90%. If the air was relatively dry, the relative humidity would be lower.

Lastly, the fourth conclusion, "The dew point temperature is 90% of the air temperature," is unrelated to the given information about air temperature and relative humidity. The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated and moisture condenses into dew.