
A cellphone company charged $500 monthly for a particular mobile plan, which includes 60 minutes free call. Additional time cost $2 per minute. Represent the total monthly cost, c, as a function of the number calling minutes, t.

To represent the total monthly cost, c, as a function of the number calling minutes, t, we need to consider two scenarios:

1) If the number of calling minutes, t, is less than or equal to 60 (the free minutes included in the plan), then the cost will be the fixed monthly charge of $500.

2) If the number of calling minutes, t, is more than 60, then we need to account for the additional cost per minute. The number of minutes beyond the 60 free minutes will be multiplied by the additional cost of $2 per minute, and added to the fixed monthly charge of $500.

With this information, we can define the function as follows:

For t ≤ 60: c(t) = $500
For t > 60: c(t) = $500 + ($2 × (t - 60))

This function represents the total monthly cost, c, based on the number of calling minutes, t.