how many pattern block trapezoids would 15 triangles create


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To find out how many pattern block trapezoids 15 triangles can create, we need to understand the relationship between the two shapes. A pattern block trapezoid is made up of two triangles, so we can say that each pattern block trapezoid requires two triangles.

To find the number of pattern block trapezoids, we have to divide the total number of triangles by 2. In this case, we have 15 triangles. Therefore, we can calculate:

15 triangles รท 2 triangles/pattern block trapezoid = 7.5 pattern block trapezoids

Since we can't have a fraction of a pattern block trapezoid, we have to round the answer. In this case, we should round down to the nearest whole number since we cannot have a fraction of a pattern block trapezoid. Hence, 15 triangles can create 7 pattern block trapezoids.