What does contrast in value help accomplish in this painting? (1 point) Responses Create a pattern in the background. Create a pattern in the background. Create a sense of unity due the limited use of contrast. Create a sense of unity due the limited use of contrast. Create a sense of chaos in the image as a whole. Create a sense of chaos in the image as a whole. Create a realistic image that stands out against the background.

Create a sense of unity due to the limited use of contrast.

Contrast in value helps accomplish the following in this painting:

- Create a sense of unity due to the limited use of contrast.
- Create a realistic image that stands out against the background.

Contrast in value refers to the difference in lightness or darkness between different areas in a painting. It is used to create various effects and achieve different goals.

In this specific painting, contrast in value can help accomplish several things.

1. Create a pattern in the background: By using contrasting values, the artist can create a pattern or repetition of light and dark areas in the background, enhancing the visual interest and adding depth to the painting. This can be achieved by strategically placing areas of light against areas of dark or vice versa.

2. Create a sense of unity due to the limited use of contrast: When there is limited contrast in value, the painting can appear more cohesive and unified. By minimizing the difference between light and dark areas, the overall image can have a harmonious and balanced feel.

3. Create a sense of chaos in the image as a whole: On the other hand, if the artist wants to evoke a sense of chaos or movement, using strong contrast in value can achieve that. By introducing dramatic shifts between light and dark areas, the painting can appear more dynamic, energetic, and even chaotic.

4. Create a realistic image that stands out against the background: In some cases, contrast in value is used to create a realistic depiction of objects or figures in the painting. By accurately representing the variations in light and shadow, the subjects can stand out against the background and appear more three-dimensional and lifelike.

So, to answer the question, the most likely answer would be: "Create a pattern in the background" and "Create a sense of unity due to the limited use of contrast". These options are commonly associated with the use of contrast in value in a painting.