936 lollipops were given to 32 children. 5/8 of the children were girls. Each boy received the same number of lollipops. Each girl received 3 times as many lollipops as each boy. How many more lollipops did all the girls receive than all the boys?

Number of girls = 5/8 * 32 = 20 girls

Number of boys = 32 - 20 = 12 boys
Boys received lollipops = x lollipops
Girls received lollipops = 3x lollipops
So, 12x (x) + 3x (20) = 936
12x + 60x = 936
72x = 936
x = 13
So that means 1 boy received 13 lollipops while 1 girl received 39 lollipops.
Boys = 12 * 13 = 156
Girls = 39 * 20 = 780
780 - 156 = 624 lollipops