Jason earns $9 more than Mark per week. Every week, they each spend $290 and saves up the rest of the money. After some weeks. John saves $540 and Mark saves $405. How much money does John earn per week?

let Mark earn = (x)$

Jason earn = (x + 9)$
Mark saving = (x - 290)
Jason saving = [(x + 9) - 290] = (x - 281)
Mark saving in ‘t’ weeks
=> (x - 290)t = 405
t = (405/(x - 290))
Jason saving in ‘t’ weeks
=> (x - 281)t = 540
(x - 281)405/(x - 290) = 540
3x - 843 = 4x - 1160
x = 1160 - 843
x = 317$
John earning = x + 9
= 317 + 9 = 326
=> $326