Discuss Two ways in which lock down contributed to the increased rate in gender -based violence globally

To discuss two ways in which lockdown contributed to the increased rate of gender-based violence globally, we need to look at the factors and dynamics that emerged during this period.

1. Increased Stress and Tension: The first way in which lockdown contributed to an increase in gender-based violence is through the heightened stress and tension experienced by people during this time. Lockdown measures, such as mandatory stay-at-home orders and restrictions on movement, led to financial hardships, unemployment, and a sense of uncertainty. These factors can exacerbate pre-existing tensions within households, leading to an increase in domestic violence incidents. The lack of access to support networks, such as friends, family, or community resources, also left victims more isolated and susceptible to violence.

2. Limited Access to Support Services: Another significant way in which lockdown contributed to the increased rate of gender-based violence globally is by constraining victims' access to support services. During lockdowns, many organizations and helplines that offer assistance to survivors of gender-based violence had limited resources and reduced availability due to social distancing measures. Sustaining these services became more challenging, which meant that survivors faced difficulties in seeking help or reporting incidents. Lack of access to these critical resources and support systems heightened victims' vulnerability and prolonged their exposure to violence.

It's important to note that while lockdown measures may have contributed to an increase in gender-based violence, the root causes and underlying issues are deeply entrenched in societal factors such as gender inequality, power imbalances, and harmful gender norms. These factors must be addressed at a systemic level to effectively tackle gender-based violence.