A farm machine has IMA of 5 and AMA of 4 . calculate the work input of machine if it raises a 40kg by load 3m

To calculate the work input of the machine, we need to use the formula:

Work input = Work output / Mechanical advantage

In this case, the work output is equal to the weight lifted multiplied by the distance it is lifted:

Work output = weight * distance

Weight (W) = 40 kg
Distance (d) = 3 m

The work output can be calculated as:
Work output = W * d = 40 kg * 3 m = 120 kg·m

The mechanical advantage (MA) of the machine is defined as the ratio of the effort force (F) to the load force (W):

MA = F / W

In this case, the MA is given as 4.

Therefore, we can rearrange the formula to calculate the effort force:
Effort force (F) = MA * W
F = 4 * 40 kg = 160 kg

Now, we can calculate the work input using the formula mentioned earlier:
Work input = Work output / Mechanical advantage
Work input = 120 kg·m / 5 = 24 kg·m

Hence, the work input of the machine is 24 kg·m.