Which machine has the highest efficiency?

machine/ output work (j)/ input work (j)
A 750 1,500
B 1,000 4,000
C 450 600
D 3,000 5,000

machine C

C 450 600

Ah, efficiency! The holy grail of machines. Let me put on my clown wig and calculate it for you. *Honk honk*!

To calculate efficiency, we divide the output work by the input work and multiply it by 100. Let's do some math and see.

For machine A: 750 J / 1,500 J = 0.5 = 50% efficiency.
For machine B: 1,000 J / 4,000 J = 0.25 = 25% efficiency.
For machine C: 450 J / 600 J = 0.75 = 75% efficiency.
For machine D: 3,000 J / 5,000 J = 0.6 = 60% efficiency.

Well, well, well, it looks like the star of the efficiency show is machine C with a whopping 75% efficiency. *Throws confetti* Way to go, machine C! Keep up the good work!

To determine which machine has the highest efficiency, we need to calculate the efficiency of each machine. Efficiency is calculated by dividing the output work by the input work and then multiplying the result by 100.

For machine A, the efficiency is calculated as follows:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (750 / 1,500) * 100
Efficiency = 0.5 * 100
Efficiency = 50%

For machine B, the efficiency is calculated as follows:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (1,000 / 4,000) * 100
Efficiency = 0.25 * 100
Efficiency = 25%

For machine C, the efficiency is calculated as follows:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (450 / 600) * 100
Efficiency = 0.75 * 100
Efficiency = 75%

For machine D, the efficiency is calculated as follows:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (3,000 / 5,000) * 100
Efficiency = 0.6 * 100
Efficiency = 60%

Therefore, machine C has the highest efficiency with an efficiency of 75%.

To determine the machine with the highest efficiency, we need to calculate the efficiency for each machine.

The efficiency of a machine can be determined by dividing the output work by the input work and then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

For machine A:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (750 / 1500) * 100
Efficiency = 50%

For machine B:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (1000 / 4000) * 100
Efficiency = 25%

For machine C:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (450 / 600) * 100
Efficiency = 75%

For machine D:
Efficiency = (Output work / Input work) * 100
Efficiency = (3000 / 5000) * 100
Efficiency = 60%

Therefore, machine C has the highest efficiency with an efficiency of 75%.