an f1 hybrid was produced by true breeding strains with contrasting alleles of three different genes how many classes of gametes will this f1 hybrid organism produce? do we use the 2^n equation or how to I go about this question. thank you

To determine the number of classes of gametes an F1 hybrid organism will produce when true breeding strains with contrasting alleles of three different genes are crossed, you can use the 2^n equation, where n represents the number of different genes involved. In this case, n is equal to 3 since you have three different genes.

According to the 2^n equation, you need to raise the number 2 to the power of n to calculate the number of possible classes of gametes. So, 2^3 will give you the answer.

2^3 = 8

Therefore, the F1 hybrid organism will produce 8 different classes of gametes.