Which of the following is true about genes?

1.Genes are responsible for all the traits of an organism.
2.In humans, genes are passed to an offspring from two parents.****
3.Genes are made up of smaller molecules known as chromosomes.
4.The genes of a particular organism can never change throughout its lifetime.

2. In humans, genes are passed to an offspring from two parents.

Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically _______ to the parents.



Relationships between organisms may be beneficial or detrimental. Which of the following examples shows a relationship in which both organisms benefit?

A tick attaches itself to the skin of a dog and takes a blood meal.
A female black widow spider Latrodectus mactans mates with a male spider; then, she consumes him.
An African wasp Certolsolen arabicus pollinates a fig tree Ficus sycomorus as it eats the tree's nectar.
A species of hyena known as the aardwolf consumes termites for nourishment.

An African wasp Certolsolen arabicus pollinates a fig tree Ficus sycomorus as it eats the tree's nectar.

u sure?

Yes, I am sure. The relationship between the African wasp and the fig tree is an example of mutualism, where both organisms benefit. The wasp gets food (nectar) from the tree, and in return, it fertilizes the tree's flowers, allowing the tree to reproduce.

Both of Tim's parents have brown eyes, but Tim has blue eyes. How is this possible?

The characteristic (blue eyes) is carried in a recessive gene.
This characteristic (blue eyes) must be carried in the dominant gene.
Eye color is not a genetic trait.
all of these

The characteristic (blue eyes) is carried in a recessive gene.
