So the problem was a table that showed velocity over time. The problem is velocity was in miles per hour and time was in seconds. So my answer was miles*seconds/hour. The next part of the question asks me to convert this into units that make sense for the situation. How do I turn those units into something that has a practical meaning?

(mi/hr)/s makes more sense

It shows how the speed (mi/hr) changed every second

How do I convert miles*seconds/hour into miles/hour/second?

I actually looked back at it and does it work if I take miles*seconds/hour and multiply it by 1 hour/3600 seconds?

To convert the units of velocity from miles per hour (mph) and time from seconds, you'll need to perform a dimensional analysis. This allows you to derive a unit of measurement that is practical and meaningful for the situation.

First, let's analyze the given units:
- Velocity: miles per hour (mph)
- Time: seconds

To convert mph to a practical unit, you can consider using miles per minute (mpm) as a more suitable measure for speed. To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the given velocity in mph.
2. Since 1 hour has 60 minutes, multiply the velocity by 1 hour/60 minutes. This converts the hour unit to minutes.
3. Divide the result obtained in step 2 by 60. This will convert the minute unit to seconds.
4. Now you should end up with the velocity unit in miles per second (mps).

So, the converted unit of velocity will be miles per second (mps), which is more practical and meaningful for the situation you described.