Learning goal 2: Determine which two statements are true for a first quarter moon.

From Earth, we can see one quarter of the sunlit side of the Moon

From Earth, we can see one half of the sunlit side of the Moon

The Moon has travelled half of the way around its orbit since the new moon

The Moon has travelled a quarter of the way around its orbit since the new moon



To determine which two statements are true for a first quarter moon, we need to understand what a first quarter moon is and how it appears from Earth.

A first quarter moon occurs when the Moon has completed approximately one quarter of its orbit around the Earth since the new moon phase. During this phase, the Moon appears as a half-circle, or a semicircle, with the right half illuminated and the left half in shadow.

Now, let's analyze the given statements:
1. "From Earth, we can see one quarter of the sunlit side of the Moon." - This statement is incorrect. During a first quarter moon, we can see half of the sunlit side of the Moon, not just a quarter.

2. "From Earth, we can see one half of the sunlit side of the Moon." - This statement is correct. During a first quarter moon, we can see one half, or 50%, of the sunlit side of the Moon.

3. "The Moon has traveled half of the way around its orbit since the new moon." - This statement is incorrect. A first quarter moon occurs when the Moon has traveled only one quarter, not half, of the way around its orbit since the new moon.

4. "The Moon has traveled a quarter of the way around its orbit since the new moon." - This statement is correct. A first quarter moon occurs when the Moon has completed one quarter of its orbit since the new moon.

Therefore, the two statements that are true for a first quarter moon are:
- From Earth, we can see one half of the sunlit side of the Moon.
- The Moon has traveled a quarter of the way around its orbit since the new moon.