4000 concert tickets were put on sale. 800 of the tickets were sold at the concert venue and 11/20 of the tickets were sold online.

(a) What percentage of the tickets were sold online?
(b) What percentage of the tickets were not sold?

11/20 = 0.55 = 55%

800 = 20%, so 55+20=75% of the tickets were sold, leaving 25% unsold


To find the percentage of tickets sold online, we need to divide the number of tickets sold online (11/20 of 4000) by the total number of tickets (4000) and multiply by 100.

Number of tickets sold online = (11/20) * 4000 = 2200
Percentage of tickets sold online = (2200/4000) * 100 = 55%

To find the percentage of tickets not sold, we can subtract the percentage of tickets sold (75%) from 100%.

Percentage of tickets not sold = 100% - 75% = 25%

To find the answers, we first need to calculate the number of tickets sold online and the number of tickets not sold.

(a) To find the number of tickets sold online, we can multiply the total number of tickets by the fraction of tickets sold online:

Number of tickets sold online = (11/20) * 4000

Simplifying this equation gives:

Number of tickets sold online = 2200

Now, we can find the percentage of tickets sold online by dividing the number of tickets sold online by the total number of tickets and multiplying by 100:

Percentage of tickets sold online = (2200/4000) * 100

Simplifying this equation gives:

Percentage of tickets sold online = 55%

Therefore, 55% of the tickets were sold online.

(b) To find the number of tickets not sold, we subtract the number of tickets sold from the total number of tickets:

Number of tickets not sold = 4000 - (800 + 2200)

Simplifying this equation gives:

Number of tickets not sold = 1000

Now, we can find the percentage of tickets not sold by dividing the number of tickets not sold by the total number of tickets and multiplying by 100:

Percentage of tickets not sold = (1000/4000) * 100

Simplifying this equation gives:

Percentage of tickets not sold = 25%

Therefore, 25% of the tickets were not sold.