The graph represents distance traveled varying directly with time.

graphical depiction of distance traveled varying directly with time

What would be the distance traveled after 9 hours?

To determine the distance traveled after 9 hours, we need to use the given information that distance varies directly with time.

In this case, we can assume that the graph is a straight line with a positive slope. This means that for every hour, the distance traveled increases by a constant rate.

To find this constant rate, we can look at the slope of the line. The slope represents the change in distance for a given change in time. So, to calculate the slope, we need to select two points from the graph.

Let's say the graph shows the distance traveled as D on the y-axis and time as t on the x-axis. If we choose two points from the graph, (t1, D1) and (t2, D2), the slope can be calculated using the formula: slope = (D2 - D1) / (t2 - t1).

Once we have the slope, we can use it to find the distance traveled after any given time.

Without an actual graph or specific values, it is not possible to provide an exact answer to the question.