List five factors that influnce self esteen

Sure! Here are five factors that can influence self-esteem:

1. Self-perception: How you perceive yourself, including your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions about your abilities, appearance, and worthiness, can greatly impact your self-esteem. Developing a positive and realistic self-image is important.

2. Social interactions: The way others treat you, including family, friends, peers, and colleagues, can affect your self-esteem. Supportive relationships and positive feedback can boost your self-esteem, while criticism, rejection, or bullying can lower it.

3. Achievements and goals: Accomplishing personal goals and experiencing success in different areas of life can contribute to a healthy self-esteem. The belief in one's abilities and the recognition of achievements play a crucial role in building self-confidence.

4. Cultural and societal influences: Societal norms, values, and expectations can shape how individuals perceive themselves. Cultural factors, such as ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status, often influence self-esteem.

5. Media and body image: Media representations of beauty standards and societal pressures related to appearance can significantly impact self-esteem, especially for individuals who do not fit conventional ideals. Comparing oneself to unrealistic portrayals can lead to negative self-perception.

To determine these factors, you can consider personal experiences and reflect on how each factor has influenced your self-esteem. You may also find it helpful to research scholarly articles, psychological studies, or books on self-esteem to gather more in-depth information on these factors.