skeletal system a. regulates supply of gases from ATP production

G endocrine system b. provides negative feedback signals
C immune system . protects body against foreign dangers
I reproductive system d. “rapid transit” for liquids and gases
F muscular system . primary “regulator” of sensory functions
circulatory system . provides support and means of motion
digestive system . processes materials for growth and maintenance
respiratory system h. makes cells used in circulatory system
J excretory system . only system in which meiosis occurs
E nervous system . takes out what's not wanted in the blood

To match the descriptions with the correct systems of the human body, you can follow these steps:

1. Read each description and try to identify the key words or phrases that indicate the function or purpose of the system.
2. Use your knowledge or a reliable resource to match the descriptions with the appropriate system.

Based on these steps, here are the matches for each description:

A. Regulates supply of gases from ATP production: Respiratory system. This system is involved in the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) to support cellular respiration and ATP production.

B. Provides negative feedback signals: Endocrine system. The endocrine system releases hormones that regulate various bodily functions, including negative feedback mechanisms that help maintain homeostasis.

C. Protects the body against foreign dangers: Immune system. The immune system is responsible for protecting the body from pathogens and foreign substances through immune responses.

D. "Rapid transit" for liquids and gases: Circulatory system. The circulatory system, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, transports liquids (blood) and gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) throughout the body.

E. Primary "regulator" of sensory functions: Nervous system. The nervous system controls sensory functions, allowing us to perceive and respond to stimuli from the environment.

F. Provides support and means of motion: Muscular system. The muscular system allows for movement, supports the body, and provides stability.

G. Processes materials for growth and maintenance: Digestive system. The digestive system processes food and absorbs nutrients required for growth and maintenance of the body.

H. Makes cells used in the circulatory system: Bone marrow. The bone marrow is responsible for producing and releasing blood cells, which are a vital component of the circulatory system.

I. Only system in which meiosis occurs: Reproductive system. Meiosis is the process of cell division that produces reproductive cells (gametes) in the reproductive system.

J. Takes out what's not wanted in the blood: Excretory system. The excretory system, which includes the kidneys, filters waste products from the blood and eliminates them from the body through urine production.

By following these steps and using your knowledge or reliable resources, you can identify the correct systems for each description.