Which three sentences describe means of bureaucratic oversight?

An employee at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) conducts a routine audit on a taxpayer.
Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security.
Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement.
A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.
Voters evaluate the credentials of a cabinet nominee and elect the most qualified candidate.

Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement.

B and E for sure. Which other one, do you think?

Sorry … not E.

The three sentences that describe means of bureaucratic oversight are:

1. Congress investigates how the funds are being used at the Department of Homeland Security.
To find this answer, you need to understand that Congress has the power of oversight, which allows it to investigate and monitor the executive branch. In this scenario, Congress is specifically investigating how funds are being utilized at the Department of Homeland Security.

2. Independent agencies audit executive departments and make recommendations for improvement.
This sentence indicates that independent agencies have the authority to conduct audits on executive departments. These audits involve evaluating the performance, efficiency, and compliance of these departments. Based on their findings, these independent agencies then make recommendations for improvement.

3. A journalist obtains records from the Department of Defense with the Freedom of Information Act.
To find this answer, you need to know about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This act allows journalists, as well as the general public, to request information from government agencies. In this context, a journalist uses FOIA to obtain records from the Department of Defense, which can help provide oversight and transparency.

Together, these sentences demonstrate three different means through which bureaucratic oversight can be exercised – congressional investigations, independent agency audits, and public access to government information through acts like the Freedom of Information Act. These mechanisms help ensure accountability, transparency, and efficiency within the bureaucratic system.