The sum of interior angles of a regular polygon is 1080°

a) Find the size of each exterior angle

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We have a formula for the sum of the angles:

sum of angles = 180(n-2), where n is the number of sides

180(n-2) = 1080

solve for n , now you have the number of angles,
(hint: it is a very common polygon)

divide 1080 by that n to get the size of each angle.

In this case n = 8

All the Exterior Angles of a polygon add up to 360°

Each exterior angle = 360° / n

Each exterior angle = 360° / 8 = 45°

To find the size of each exterior angle of a regular polygon, you can use the formula:

Each Exterior Angle = 360° / Number of Sides

In this case, we are given the sum of the interior angles (1080°), but we need to calculate the number of sides first.

The formula to calculate the sum of the interior angles of a polygon is:

Sum of Interior Angles = (Number of Sides - 2) * 180°

From the given information, we have:

Sum of Interior Angles = 1080°

Setting up the equation:

1080° = (Number of Sides - 2) * 180°

Simplifying the equation:

1080° = 180° * (Number of Sides - 2)

Dividing both sides by 180°:

6 = Number of Sides - 2

Adding 2 to both sides:

Number of Sides = 8

Now that we know the number of sides is 8, we can calculate the size of each exterior angle:

Each Exterior Angle = 360° / Number of Sides
Each Exterior Angle = 360° / 8
Each Exterior Angle = 45°

Therefore, the size of each exterior angle is 45°.