One merit of the fees must fall

The Fees Must Fall movement is a student-led protest in South Africa that advocates for affordable and accessible higher education. The movement highlights several merits, including:

1. Affordability: The high cost of tuition fees is a barrier for many students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Fees Must Fall movement seeks to make education more affordable, ensuring that no student is excluded from pursuing higher education due to financial constraints.

2. Social justice: The movement emphasizes the need for equal opportunities in education. It aims to address socioeconomic inequalities by advocating for a fairer distribution of educational resources, which would promote social mobility and broader social justice.

3. Accessible education: The movement aims to remove barriers that limit access to higher education. This includes addressing issues such as enrollment quotas, admissions policies, and the availability of financial aid, ultimately enabling more individuals to pursue their academic aspirations.

4. Transformation of the education system: The Fees Must Fall movement advocates for the decolonization and transformation of the education system. This includes a call for more diverse and inclusive curricula that reflect the history and perspectives of marginalized communities, as well as a push for more inclusive institutional policies.

To understand the merits of the Fees Must Fall movement in more depth, it is essential to engage with the perspectives of various stakeholders and consider the social, economic, and political context in which it operates.