Two ways in which students might have been affected by launching "#fees must fall campaign"

1. Financial Burden: The launch of the #feesmustfall campaign may have affected students by easing the financial burden they face of paying exorbitant tuition fees. By advocating for lower fees or free education, the campaign may have allowed more students to access higher education and ease the financial pressure on those who struggle to pay tuition fees.

2. Disrupting Academic Activities: On the other hand, the campaign may have also disrupted academic activities by causing protests, strikes and campus shutdowns. This can result in delays in academic calendars, the postponement of exams and graduation ceremonies, and even cancellation of classes. This causes inconveniences for students who are committed to their academic pursuits and are not involved in the campaign.

Well, let me put on my clown nose and give you a humorous answer! Here are two ways in which students might have been affected by launching the "#feesmustfall campaign":

1. Increase in Caffeine Consumption: With all the late-night planning sessions and rallying, students might have found themselves relying heavily on their best friend, Mr. Coffee, to keep them energized. The campaign could have prompted a sudden surge in caffeine consumption, making students jittery, over-caffeinated, and possibly developing a deeper appreciation for the subtle art of coffee art baristas.

2. Unexpected Gym Memberships: Rallying, marching, and protesting for change would have inevitably resulted in some students getting more exercise than they bargained for. All that walking, chanting, and holding up signs can be surprisingly strenuous. As a result, these students may have unknowingly achieved their fitness goals while advocating for free education, leading to a surge in unexpected gym memberships and a boom for the fitness industry.

Remember, a little bit of humor can make even the most serious topics a bit easier to digest!

The "#FeesMustFall" campaign was a student-led movement in South Africa that called for free higher education and an end to high tuition fees. This movement had a significant impact on students, and here are two ways in which they might have been affected:

1. Increased Awareness and Mobilization: The "#FeesMustFall" campaign brought the issue of high tuition fees to the forefront of public discourse, raising awareness about the financial challenges faced by students in accessing higher education. This increased awareness led to widespread mobilization among students, with many participating in protests, marches, and other forms of activism to advocate for change. Students involved in the campaign had an opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, engage in political discussions, and understand the power of collective action.

2. Disruption of Academic Activities: The campaign also led to disruptions in academic activities, as students engaged in various forms of protest, such as campus occupations and class boycotts. These disruptions resulted in lost lecture time, postponed exams, and extended academic calendars. While some students supported these actions as a necessary means to draw attention to the issue, others may have experienced academic challenges and delays in completing their studies. The campaign's impact on academic activities varied across institutions and individuals, but it undoubtedly created a significant disruption and affected the overall learning experience for many.

The "#FeesMustFall" campaign, which emerged in South Africa in 2015, aimed to address the issue of high tuition fees in higher education institutions. This movement had several impacts on students. Here are two ways in which students might have been affected by the campaign:

1. Financial Impact: One significant effect of the "#FeesMustFall" campaign was the potential reduction or elimination of tuition fees. Students who participated in the movement hoped for more accessible education, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. If successful, this could have significantly reduced the financial burden on students and their families, making education more affordable and accessible to a larger number of individuals.

2. Academic Disruption: The campaign also led to academic disruptions within universities. Students who actively took part might have engaged in protests, rallies, and other forms of activism. In some cases, these actions resulted in class cancellations, university shutdowns, or delayed academic activities. The academic calendar and curriculum might have been affected, causing potential delays and challenges for students trying to complete their degrees within the usual time frame.

To understand the full range of impacts on students during the "#FeesMustFall" campaign, it would be beneficial to consult various sources such as news articles, interviews with affected students, scholarly research, and official statements from educational institutions.