Use the cues and a si clause to express your wishes that things could be better.

1. tout le monde / ne pas gaspiller
2. je / obtenir ce poste
3. je / découvrir un nouveau pays chaque année
4. je / moins souffrir pour maigrir
5. je / savoir faire de la peinture

If things could be better, here are some ways you can express your wishes using the cues and a "si" clause:

1. Si tout le monde ne gaspillait pas, ce serait mieux. (If everyone didn't waste, it would be better.)
To express your wish that things could be better if people didn't waste, you can use the cue "tout le monde" (everyone) and a "si" clause followed by the negative form of the verb "gaspiller" (to waste).

2. Si j'obtenais ce poste, ce serait mieux. (If I could get this job, it would be better.)
To express your wish that things could be better if you could get a certain position, use the cue "je" (I) and a "si" clause followed by the conditional form of the verb "obtenir" (to get).

3. Si je découvrais un nouveau pays chaque année, ce serait mieux. (If I could discover a new country every year, it would be better.)
To express your wish that things could be better if you could explore a new country each year, use the cue "je" (I) and a "si" clause followed by the conditional form of the verb "découvrir" (to discover).

4. Si je souffrais moins pour maigrir, ce serait mieux. (If I didn't have to suffer as much to lose weight, it would be better.)
To express your wish that things could be better if you could suffer less to lose weight, use the cue "je" (I) and a "si" clause followed by the negative form of the verb "souffrir" (to suffer) and the conditional form of the verb "maigrir" (to lose weight).

5. Si je savais faire de la peinture, ce serait mieux. (If I could know how to paint, it would be better.)
To express your wish that things could be better if you could know how to paint, use the cue "je" (I) and a "si" clause followed by the conditional form of the verb "savoir" (to know) and the infinitive form of the verb "faire" (to do/make).