Connections Academy

1.) The tendency of people to comply with a second lesser request after refusing a larger one is called the effect.
** Door-in-face
2.) What term do psychologists use for the phenomenon that occurs when people are less likely to aid a person in trouble if there are other people around who are also potential helpers?
** Bystander effect
3.) In Solemn Asch's study which factor increased the rate of conformity?
** The number of confederates increased
4.) An individual who exerts a less effort when working on a group task if individual contributions will not be evaluated is engaging in what is called
** Social loafing.
5.) A group of people viewed as competitors, enemies, or different and unworthy of respect is a (n)
** Out-group
6.) The realistic conflict theory focuses on conflict
** Between two groups.
7.) What is the term for an improvement in performance caused by the perception that others are watching?
** Social facilitation
8.) When members of a group give priority to the cohesiveness of the group over the facts of a situation they are engaging in what the social psychologist call
** Groupthink.
9.) Social psychology is the scientific study of how a person's behavior, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by
** The real or imagined presence of others.
10.) Herbie and Irene have been married for almost 55 years. Throughout it all they have remained committed to each other and have been as close as two people can be. Over the years the passion has waned but they still stay together. Sternberg would call this type of love
** Companionate.

all correctttt

All the answers are correct just took the quiz ^^

To find the answers to these questions, you can start by conducting a search using a search engine or visiting reputable psychology websites and resources. Simply type in the keywords related to each question and analyze the search results to find the most accurate and supported answers. Here is a breakdown of how to find the answer to each question:

1.) To find the answer to question 1, search for "compliance tendency after refusing larger request" or "door-in-face effect."

2.) For question 2, search for "psychological phenomenon of decreased helping behavior in the presence of others" or "bystander effect."

3.) To answer question 3, search for "Solomon Asch's conformity study factors" or "Solomon Asch conformity study increased rate of conformity."

4.) For question 4, search for "social loafing definition" or "social loafing and group tasks."

5.) To answer question 5, search for "definition of out-group."

6.) For question 6, search for "realistic conflict theory definition" or "groups conflict focus realistic conflict theory."

7.) To find the answer to question 7, search for "improvement in performance due to others watching" or "social facilitation definition."

8.) For question 8, search for "groupthink definition" or "group prioritizing cohesiveness over facts."

9.) To answer question 9, search for "definition of social psychology" or "social psychology influence of others."

10.) For question 10, search for "Sternberg's types of love" or "companionate love definition in Sternberg's theory."