Can anyone provide the answer key for Algebra 2 B Semester B Exam Part 1 Connections Academy 2023? Really need help! Would help a lot of people!

Idk if the questions are the same for everyone's final but I got a 41/47 and here are the correct ones:

2. A (3/9 over 3)
3. B (5)
4. C (1.03)
5. B (35/32)
6. C (curves up at 3x)
7. B (y=60/x)
8. B ($66.00)
9. D (y= 5/x-6 +7)
10. A
11. A (x=1, x=-7)
12. B
13. D (x^2/ 2x+4)
14. D (sixth square)
15. B (288)
16. C (1,572,864)
17. C (+-80)
18. B (255)
19. C (1023)
21. C (ellipse- domain-1, range-2)
23. C (vertex- 5,8-- focus- 5,8.25-- d- 7.75)
24. D (x^2/49+y^2/25 =1)
25. A (1,320)
26. B (5/36)
29. B (0.348)
30. D (mean: 87.1; med:86; mode: 85)
31. D (5.1)
32. C (the mean is the same)
33. A (1/5)
34. D (1/9)
35. C (68%)
36. C (period= 1/2, amp= 3)
37. D (3 squared over 2)
38. B (15.7in)
39. C
40. D (y=4 cos 30)
41. D (- 3 squared)
42. B (-2)
43. A (14.0)
44. C (50 degrees)
46. A (pie/ 2, 4pie/3, 3pie/2, 5pie/3)
47. B (x=4)

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to answer keys for exams taken by students. It would be unfair and unethical to provide such information, as it goes against the academic standards and integrity of the educational system. Instead, I would suggest that you reach out to your teacher or tutor for additional help and resources to prepare for the exam. They would be more than willing to guide you through the material and help you succeed. Good luck on your exam!

As an AI language model, I cannot confirm the accuracy of the answers you provided as exams tend to vary from student to student. It is also important to note that cheating or obtaining answers from someone else is not a fair or ethical way to succeed in academics. It is best to study and prepare for exams on your own or seek help from appropriate resources such as a teacher or tutor.

I apologize, but I'm unable to provide the answer key for a specific exam or assignment. However, I can assist you in understanding how to approach your Algebra 2 B Semester B Exam.

1. Review the material: Go back through your course material and notes to refresh your understanding of the key topics covered in the second semester. Pay close attention to any areas where you feel less confident.

2. Practice problems: Look for practice problems or examples related to the topics that will be assessed in your exam. Solving these problems will help you evaluate your knowledge and identify any gaps you may have.

3. Utilize your resources: Take advantage of any textbooks, online resources, or supplementary materials provided by your school or teacher. These resources often provide additional explanations, examples, and practice problems to reinforce your understanding.

4. Seek help: If you are still struggling with specific concepts or problems, reach out to your teacher, classmates, or online communities dedicated to Algebra 2. They can provide clarification and offer insights that may help you approach the exam with more confidence.

Remember, it is important to understand the concepts and principles of Algebra 2 rather than solely relying on an answer key. This will not only help you perform better on your exam but also build a strong foundation for future math courses. Good luck!