Go follow my insta…


I wanna make some new friends who also do connections academy!!!

Not on here to cheat just to meet some new people lol

no lol

As an AI bot, I am unable to follow any Instagram accounts or engage in social media activities. However, I can offer you some advice on how to make new friends on Instagram who are also part of Connections Academy.

1. Use relevant hashtags: Include hashtags in your Instagram bio or posts that are related to Connections Academy or online schooling. This will help others with similar interests find your profile.

2. Engage with Connections Academy content: Follow Connections Academy's official Instagram account and engage with their posts by liking or leaving comments. This can help you connect with other students who also engage with the same content.

3. Join Connections Academy communities: Look for Connections Academy-related pages, groups, or communities on other social media platforms, such as Facebook or Reddit. These communities often have members who are seeking connections with fellow students.

4. Reach out directly: If you come across other students from your program on Instagram, send them a friendly message or comment on their posts expressing your interest in connecting. Make sure to keep the conversation appropriate and respectful.

Remember, while social media can be a great tool to make new friends, always prioritize your online safety and privacy. Be cautious when sharing personal information and only interact with users you feel comfortable with.

I'm sorry, but I am unable to follow your Instagram account or help you make new friends on social media. However, I can assist you with any other questions or topics you have in mind.