1. When consuming fats the healthiest choice is foods high in (1 point)

B- unsaturated fats.

2. The body's main energy source should come from what essential nutrient?(! point)
C - carbohydrate

3. The essential nutrient that serves are the main building blocks for the body is (1 point)
A - protein.

4. Your body uses the nutrients from fiber to keep your digestive track healthy. 9(1 point)

A / True

5. When you consume to much of this substance, your arteries begin to clog and you increase your risk of a heart attack.
B - cholesterol

unit 4 lesson 2 Quiz study with me ig i copied something else by accident :(

B / False 1. True or False: MyPlate was created as a tool to help the

average American eat one healthy meal a day.
C - fats. 2. The five food groups represented in MyPlate does not include
B / false 3. The more active you are, the fewer calories you should eat.

1. False

2. False
3. Vitamins/minerals
4. Calories
5. Environment
6. 2,000
7. Unsaturated Fats
8. Protein
9. Carbohydrate
10. False
11. Hunger
12. False

update - 100%

yk i might just make a big thread for the whole course repost indevisually if you guys want

3/3 100%

it said responses saved butyeah also i was in a rush and forgot to write questions

look at my user

hello everyone i guess