Ethan has $120 more than Dilton. After Ethan spent 80% of his money and Dilton spent 60% of his money, they still have $270 left altogether. How much money does Ethan have left in the end?

Dilton's amount --- x

Ethan's amount ---- x+120

amount left after the spending spree:
Ethan: 0.2(x+120)
Dilton: .4x

.4x + .2(x+120) = 270
.4x + .2x + 24 = 270

calculate the rest and state you conclusion

E = Ethan's money in beginning

D = Dilton's money in beginning

Ethan has $120 more than Dilton means:

E = D + 120

After Ethan spent 80% of the money he got 20% of the money.

20% = 20/100 = 0.2

Ethan has 0.2 ( D + 120 ) money left

After Dilton spent 60% of the money, he got 40% of the money.

40% = 40 / 100 = 0.4

Dilton has 0.4 D of money left.

In total they have left:

0.2 ( D + 120 ) + 0.4 D = 270

0.2 D + 24 + 0.4 D = 270

0.6 D + 24 = 270

Subtract 24 to moth sides

0.6 D = 246

D = 246 / 0.6 = 410

Dilton have $410 in beginning

E = D + 120

E = $410 + $120 = $530 in beginning

After Ethan spent 80% of the money he got 20% of the money.

20% = 20 / 100 = 0.2

In the end Ethan have left 0.2 ∙ $530 = $106

To solve this problem, we can break it down into steps:

Step 1: Assign variables
Let's assign variables to represent the amount of money Ethan and Dilton initially have.
Let "E" be the amount of money Ethan has initially
Let "D" be the amount of money Dilton has initially

Step 2: Set up equations
From the given information, we know that Ethan has $120 more than Dilton. Therefore we can write the equation:
E = D + $120

Step 3: Determine the amount they each spent
Ethan spent 80% of his money, so the amount he has left is 100% - 80% = 20% of his initial money.
Dilton spent 60% of his money, so the amount he has left is 100% - 60% = 40% of his initial money.

Step 4: Convert percentages to decimals
To calculate the amount they each have left, we need to convert the percentages to decimals.
Ethan has 20% of his initial money left, which is 20/100 = 0.2.
Dilton has 40% of his initial money left, which is 40/100 = 0.4.

Step 5: Set up equations for the remaining money
We know that the amount they have left altogether is $270.
Therefore, we can set up the following equation:
0.2E + 0.4D = $270

Step 6: Solve the system of equations
Now we have two equations:
E = D + $120
0.2E + 0.4D = $270

We can solve this system of equations to find the values of E and D.

Using the first equation, we can substitute E with D + $120 in the second equation:
0.2(D + $120) + 0.4D = $270

Simplifying the equation:
0.2D + $24 + 0.4D = $270
0.6D + $24 = $270

Subtract $24 from both sides:
0.6D = $270 - $24
0.6D = $246

Divide both sides by 0.6:
D = $246 / 0.6
D ≈ $410

Step 7: Find the remaining money Ethan has
Using the first equation, we can substitute D with $410:
E = $410 + $120
E = $530

Therefore, Ethan has $530 left in the end.