Kenny operates a hot dog stand. On Wednesday he used 5 bags of hot dog buns. On Thursday he used 1 1/8 times as many hot dog buns as on Wednesday. How many bags of hot dog buns did Kenny use on Thursday?

Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.

It is given that Kenny had used 5 bags of buns on Wednesday. We also know that on Thursday, he used 1 1/8 times as many buns as on Wednesday.

Write 1 1/8 as improper fraction:

1 1/8 = 9/8

To find out how many buns he used on Thursday, we can multiply the number of hot dog buns he used on Wednesday by 9/8 * Number of buns used on Wednesday = 9/8 * 5 = 45/8

We can also write 45/8 as a mixed number:
45/8 = 5 5/8
Hence, Kenny used 45/8 or 5 5/8 bags of buns on Thursday.