Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Simplify the radical expression. Show all your steps.


19 - 3(5.2) = ?

√121*3 −3√9*3

√11*11*3 −9√3
11√3 −9√3
2 √3
patience, plug and chug

Thank ya

To simplify the given radical expression √363 - 3√27, we can start by simplifying each radical term separately.

Step 1: Simplify √363.

To simplify the square root of 363, we need to find the largest perfect square that divides into 363 evenly. The largest perfect square that divides into 363 is 121 (11^2), as 363 ÷ 121 = 3 with no remainder.

So, we can rewrite √363 as √(121 × 3).

Now, using the property √(ab) = √a × √b, we can split the square root of the product:

√(121 × 3) = √121 × √3

The square root of 121 (√121) equals 11, so we have:


Step 2: Simplify 3√27.

To simplify the cube root of 27, we need to find the largest perfect cube that divides into 27 evenly. The largest perfect cube that divides into 27 is 3^3, as 27 ÷ 3^3 = 1 with no remainder.

So, we can rewrite 3√27 as 3√(3^3).

Now, using the property n√(a^b) = a^(b/n), we can simplify the cube root as:

3√(3^3) = 3 × 3^(3/3)

Since 3/3 equals 1, we have:

3 × 3^1 = 3 × 3 = 9

Therefore, 3√27 simplifies to 9.

Now, we can rewrite the given expression:
√363 - 3√27 = 11√3 - 3√27 = 11√3 - 9

So, the simplified radical expression is 11√3 - 9.