Rhea can mow 1 lawn in half hour, how many lawns can she mow in 3 hours?

To find out how many lawns Rhea can mow in 3 hours, we can divide the total time in hours by the time it takes for her to mow one lawn.

First, we need to convert the 3 hours into minutes, since we have the information about Rhea's mowing speed in minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour, we multiply the 3 hours by 60 to get:

3 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 180 minutes

Next, we divide the total number of minutes (180) by the time it takes for Rhea to mow one lawn (30 minutes) to find out how many lawns she can mow in that time:

180 minutes / 30 minutes/lawn = 6 lawns

Therefore, Rhea can mow 6 lawns in 3 hours.