Lia has 6 basketball courts that she is dividing each into 's for a tournament. How many sections will she have?







The given information states that Lia has 6 basketball courts, and she wants to divide each court into sections for a tournament. To find how many sections she will have in total, we need to determine the number of sections per court and then multiply it by the number of courts.

Let's assume that Lia divides each court into 4 sections. To find the total number of sections, we multiply 4 (sections per court) by 6 (number of courts):

4 sections/court * 6 courts = <<4*6=24>>24 sections

Therefore, the answer is C. 24.

To determine the number of sections Lia will have when dividing each of the 6 basketball courts, you need to know how many sections she is dividing each court into. The question does not provide that information, so we cannot calculate the exact answer.

However, we can provide some potential options based on common ways to divide a basketball court. If each court is divided into 2 sections, then Lia would have a total of 6 * 2 = 12 sections (option A). If each court is divided into 4 sections, then Lia would have a total of 6 * 4 = 24 sections (option C). If each court is divided into 8 sections, then Lia would have a total of 6 * 8 = 48 sections. However, option D suggests the answer is 8 sections, which is not consistent with the information given.

Therefore, without more specific information, we can safely say that the most likely answer is either 12 sections (option A) or 24 sections (option C).