For determining the relative deviation in the analysis of a data set, the standard deviation and the average of the data set must be determined.true or false



To determine the relative deviation in the analysis of a dataset, both the standard deviation and the average (also known as the mean) of the data set must be determined. The standard deviation provides information about the dispersion or spread of the data set, while the average gives the central tendency or typical value of the data set. By calculating the relative deviation using the standard deviation and the average, you can assess the variability of the data relative to their average value.

True. To determine the relative deviation in the analysis of a data set, the standard deviation and average (also known as the mean) of the data set must be determined.

The relative deviation, also known as the coefficient of variation, is a measure that expresses the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean. It is used to assess the variability of a data set relative to its average.

To calculate the relative deviation, follow these steps:
1. Calculate the average (mean) of the data set by summing all the values and dividing by the total number of values.
2. Calculate the standard deviation of the data set, which measures the dispersion or spread of the values around the mean.
3. Divide the standard deviation by the mean.
4. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage.

The formula for calculating the relative deviation is as follows:
Relative Deviation = (Standard Deviation / Mean) * 100

By calculating the relative deviation, you can determine the extent of variation within the data set in relation to the average value.