Calculate the following:

a. The mean age for the data set
b. The deviation from the mean and absolute deviation from the mean for each employee
c. The mean absolute deviation for the data set

(a) add up the values and divide by 5

(b) subtract the mean from each value. Then take its absolute value.
(c) add up the absolute deviations and divide by 5

Thank you for the help oobleck, much appreciation :D

It did for me but the answers I got were

a. 29
b. subtract 29 from each of those
c. 8.4

Thank you for sharing your answers! However, I would like to point out that the deviation from the mean should be calculated by subtracting the mean from each value (in this case, subtracting 29 from each age), not by subtracting the values from the mean.

Using this method, we can find the deviations to be:


To find the absolute deviation, we take the absolute value of each deviation, which gives us:


The mean absolute deviation is then found by adding these values up and dividing by the number of values (n=5):

(16+3+3+6+10)/5 = 8.4

So your answers are correct!

To calculate the answers for each part of the question, we need to follow these steps:

a. The mean age for the data set:
1. Add up all the ages: 45 + 32 + 26 + 23 + 19 = 145.
2. Divide the sum by the number of data points to find the mean: 145 / 5 = 29.
The mean age for the data set is 29.

b. The deviation from the mean and absolute deviation from the mean for each employee:
1. Subtract the mean age (29) from each employee's age to find the deviation from the mean:
- Deviation for first employee: 45 - 29 = 16
- Deviation for second employee: 32 - 29 = 3
- Deviation for third employee: 26 - 29 = -3
- Deviation for fourth employee: 23 - 29 = -6
- Deviation for fifth employee: 19 - 29 = -10
2. To find the absolute deviation from the mean, ignore any negative signs (absolute value):
- Absolute deviation for first employee: |16| = 16
- Absolute deviation for second employee: |3| = 3
- Absolute deviation for third employee: |-3| = 3
- Absolute deviation for fourth employee: |-6| = 6
- Absolute deviation for fifth employee: |-10| = 10
The deviations from the mean are: 16, 3, -3, -6, -10 and the absolute deviations from the mean are: 16, 3, 3, 6, 10.

c. The mean absolute deviation for the data set:
1. Add up all the absolute deviations from the mean: 16 + 3 + 3 + 6 + 10 = 38.
2. Divide the sum by the number of data points to find the mean absolute deviation: 38 / 5 = 7.6.
The mean absolute deviation for the data set is 7.6.

did not help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!