The total cost of 2 plates and 3 cups is $36. The cost of the cup is 2/3 of the cost of the plate. How much does a plate cost?

c = 2/3 p

2p + 3c = 36
2p + 3(2/3 p) = 36
4p = 36
p = 9
(and c = 6)

Let’s assume

The cost of plate = P
The cost of the cup = C
2p + 3c = 36 - (1)
2 plate + 3 cup = 36 and
The cost of cup is 2/3 of plate
C = 2/3p - (2)
Put c = 2/3p in equation 1
2p + 2p = 36
p = $9 = $9
c = 2/3 * 9 = $6
Hence the cost of the plate
p = $9

To find out the cost of a plate, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the cost of a plate is "x" dollars.

According to the information given, the cost of a cup is 2/3 of the cost of a plate. Therefore, the cost of a cup is (2/3) * x = (2x)/3 dollars.

We also know that the total cost of 2 plates and 3 cups is $36. So, the equation representing this information can be written as:

2x + 3[(2x)/3] = 36

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents the cost of a plate.

Simplifying the equation:

2x + (2x) = 36
4x = 36
x = 36/4
x = 9

Therefore, the cost of a plate is $9.