9.9 kilograms of apples and pears at the farmer's market.

of this weight is apples, and the rest is pears.

I don't mind helping to find answers, but I resent having to provide the questions as well.

oh, and why not type fractions in the usual way, as in 2/5
the vertical text formatting is so ...

A farmer sells 9.3 kilograms of apples and pears at the farmer's market.

3/5 of this weight is apples, and the rest is pears. How many kilograms of pears did she sell at the farmer's market?

To find out how much weight of the apples and pears is represented by the given fraction, we need to calculate the fraction of each fruit:

The fraction representing the weight of apples is 2/5.
The fraction representing the weight of pears is 3/5 (since the remainder, 1 - 2/5 = 3/5, represents the weight of pears).

To find the weight of the apples:
Multiply the total weight (9.9 kilograms) by the fraction representing the weight of the apples (2/5):
Weight of apples = 9.9 kg × (2/5) = 3.96 kg

To find the weight of the pears:
Subtract the weight of the apples from the total weight:
Weight of pears = Total weight - Weight of apples = 9.9 kg - 3.96 kg = 5.94 kg

Therefore, there are approximately 3.96 kilograms of apples and 5.94 kilograms of pears at the farmer's market.