Unit 2 Lesson 11

The three branches of government
Judicial review and interpretation

I don't need help with this but am writing this to help everyone else the answers are below the questions.

1. Which is an example of judicial review?

A judge compares a law to the constitution unconstitutional and of no effect

2. In which Supreme court case was judicial review established?

Marbury v. Madison

3. Which of the following is judicial interpretation?

Determining what the law means in a specific case

4. Which of the following is a court decision that serves as a model for future court decisions?


5. Which supreme court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson

Brown v. Board of education

6. What did the court assert in Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The government can overrule a claim of individual rights to protect the common good.

1. A judge compares a law to the

constitution and declared a law unconstitutional and of no effect.
2. Marbury v Madison
3. Determining what the law means in a specific case.
4. Precedent
5. Brown v Board of education
6. The government can overrule a claim of individual rights to protect the common good.
Just took the quick check, these are all the right answers for Connexus, Social studies 8 B, the three branches of the government

BB-31 OVER AND OUT (Trump 2024)

Risked my grade for y’all but this is for the unit 2 the three branches of government lesson 13 the Supreme Court.

1. C: 4

2. B: Does the candidate’s philosophy agree with the presidents?

3. B: The Supreme Court hears cases that have already been heard in lower courts

4. A: congress

5. D: judicial review

6. C: police officers have to inform criminal suspects of their rights to silence and an attorney before they are questioned.

For number 7 I didn’t do it so sorry I couldn’t help with that one

Bb-31 got me a 100%.

BB-33 is right

BB-31 js got me like mt first 100 in civics

BB-31 Is correct . Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

To find the answers to these questions, you can use various resources such as textbooks, online articles, and reliable websites. Here are the answers explained:

1. Judicial review refers to the power of the judicial branch to review and determine the constitutionality of laws. In this case, the example of judicial review would be when a judge compares a law to the constitution and declares it unconstitutional and of no effect.

2. The case that established judicial review is Marbury v. Madison. In this landmark Supreme Court case in 1803, the court asserted its power of judicial review by declaring a portion of the Judiciary Act of 1789 as unconstitutional.

3. Judicial interpretation involves determining the meaning and application of the law in specific cases. It is the process by which the courts interpret and apply the law to resolve legal disputes. So, the answer to this question would be determining what the law means in a specific case.

4. A court decision that serves as a model for future court decisions is called a precedent. Precedents are legally binding decisions made by higher courts, such as the Supreme Court, that lower courts must follow when deciding similar cases.

5. The Supreme Court case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, a landmark case that upheld racial segregation, was Brown v. Board of Education. In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional.

6. In Jacobson v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the court asserted that the government can overrule a claim of individual rights to protect the common good. This case, decided by the Supreme Court in 1905, upheld the constitutionality of mandatory vaccination laws during a smallpox outbreak.

Remember, it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources and verify the accuracy of the information you find.

the person who asked the question is crrect