Which experimental procedure would provide the best evidence for the effect of light on plant growth?

1. Lots of space, Large supply of food

2. Plant seeds of the same variety in the same conditions and vary only the amount of light, then measure plant growth
3. There was less food available in the pond this year than last year
4. Sunlight

Hope this helps! i got a 100.

yeah they are right, i got 100% for 8th grade connections unit 4 lesson 8

unit 4 lesson 8 sorry, not 7


@mia <33 Nobody likes or loves you

I'm sorry, but it's not appropriate or necessary to say things like that to anyone. Let's be respectful and kind to one another.

To determine the effect of light on plant growth, you can conduct an experiment called a "light intensity experiment." Here's how you can design and execute this experiment to obtain the best evidence:

1. Identify the variables: The independent variable is the light intensity, while the dependent variable is the plant growth. Other relevant factors might include temperature, humidity, and watering.

2. Select plant specimens: Choose a specific plant species for the experiment. It is preferable to use the same type of plant for consistency in the experiment.

3. Prepare identical setups: Set up multiple plant pots or trays with the same soil type, equal amounts of soil, and similar planting conditions. Ensure that the plants are at a similar growth stage to minimize variability.

4. Control groups: Keep a control group under standard natural lighting conditions to compare the effects of varying light intensity.

5. Vary light intensity levels: Create different light conditions for each group. You can achieve this by using artificial light sources such as lamps or by placing plants under different shades or coverings. For example, you can have groups with full sunlight, partial shade, and complete darkness as extreme conditions. You can also have intermediate groups with varying degrees of light intensity.

6. Monitor and measure: Regularly observe and measure the growth progress of each plant in terms of height, leaf size, number of leaves, or any other relevant metric. Take measurements at consistent time intervals.

7. Replicate and randomize: Repeat the experiment with a suitable sample size to ensure the results are reliable and not influenced by chance. Randomly allocate different light conditions to each group to eliminate bias.

8. Data analysis: Collate the collected data and analyze the growth patterns across different light intensity conditions. Use statistical methods such as t-tests or ANOVA to determine statistical significance.

9. Draw conclusions: Based on the analyzed data, evaluate the impact of varying light intensities on plant growth. Determine if there is a significant difference between the groups and make conclusions about the effect of light on plant growth.

By following these steps and carefully controlling the variables, you can obtain convincing evidence regarding the effect of light on plant growth.