The distance between Ridgeview and Tarragon is 7.6 inches on a map. If the scale on the map is 1 inch = 25 miles, what is the actual distance between the two towns?

A. 19.0 miles
B. 32.6 miles
C. 190 miles
D. 326 miles

7.6 in * 25 mi/in = ? mi

y = 5.76 ?

sorry i mean 190 miles

To find the actual distance between Ridgeview and Tarragon, we need to use the scale given on the map. The scale tells us that 1 inch on the map represents 25 miles in real life.

Since the distance between Ridgeview and Tarragon on the map is 7.6 inches, we can multiply this by the scale factor of 25 miles per inch to find the actual distance.

7.6 inches * 25 miles/inch = 190 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the two towns is option C: 190 miles.