Translate this sentence into an equation. 15 more than Malik’s age is 54. Use the variable m to represent Malik’s age.

m +15 = 54

m = 54 - 15

To translate the sentence "15 more than Malik’s age is 54" into an equation using the variable m to represent Malik’s age, we can write:

m + 15 = 54

To translate the given sentence into an equation, we need to identify the key information in the sentence and represent it using variables and mathematical operations.

The sentence states "15 more than Malik's age is 54." Let's break this down:

"15 more than Malik's age": This phrase indicates that we need to add 15 to Malik's age.

"is": This means that the value on one side of the equation is equal to the value on the other side.

"54": This is the value that is equal to "15 more than Malik's age."

Given that we need to represent Malik's age with the variable "m," the equation can be written as:

m + 15 = 54

Here, "m" represents Malik's age, and by adding 15 to it, we get the value 54.