Translate this sentence into an equation.

69 is the difference of Diane's age and 9.
Use the variable to represent Diane's age.

"difference" means you subtract, right?

D = 69 - 9

Let's use the variable "D" to represent Diane's age.

The sentence "69 is the difference of Diane's age and 9" can be translated into the equation:

D - 9 = 69

To translate the given sentence into an equation, we can start by assigning a variable to represent Diane's age. Let's use the variable "x".

According to the sentence, "69 is the difference of Diane's age and 9." This can be written as:

x - 9 = 69

In this equation, "x" represents Diane's age (the unknown we are trying to find), and 9 is being subtracted from her age. The result of this subtraction should equal 69, as stated in the sentence.