Explain of a External operating environment and External environment Marco business, and how they affect business performance

An external operating environment refers to the external factors that can directly impact a business's operations and performance. These factors are beyond the control of the business and include various elements such as economic conditions, government regulations, technological advancements, industry trends, and competitive dynamics.

On the other hand, the external environment macro business refers to the broader societal and economic factors that influence the overall business environment. These factors are usually categorized into the PESTEL framework, which stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors.

The external operating environment and the external environment macro business both have a significant influence on business performance.

1. Economic Conditions: Changes in economic conditions, such as inflation, interest rates, consumer spending habits, or economic growth, can impact a business's performance. For example, during an economic downturn, consumers tend to tighten their belts, leading to reduced demand for goods and services.

2. Government Regulations: Regulations and policies set by the government can have a profound impact on a business's operations. Compliance with these regulations not only affects costs but also can dictate the competitiveness and market access of a business.

3. Technological Advancements: Rapid technological advancements can disrupt industries and force businesses to adapt or risk becoming obsolete. Companies that embrace technology and innovation can gain a competitive advantage, while those that fail to keep up may struggle to survive.

4. Industry Trends: Keeping an eye on industry trends and changes is crucial for business success. Market trends, consumer preferences, and emerging technologies can shape customer demand and affect a company's ability to meet customer expectations.

5. Competitive Dynamics: The actions and strategies of competitors can greatly impact business performance. Understanding the competitive landscape, such as pricing strategies, product differentiation, or marketing tactics employed by competitors, is essential for surviving and thriving in the market.

To assess the impact of these external factors on a business, companies often conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). By identifying these external factors and analyzing their potential effects, businesses can develop strategies to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks.

Overall, it is crucial for businesses to remain aware of their external operating environment and the external environment macro business to adapt, innovate, and make informed decisions that can positively impact their performance and sustainability.