How does the body react to cold temperatures? (1 point)


Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.
Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis.
Your body shivers to help it maintain homeostasis.

Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis.
Your body sweats to help it maintain homeostasis.

You body sweats to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment.

Your body shivers to make the internal temperature balanced with the external environment. This is a physiological response known as thermogenesis, where your muscles contract rapidly to generate heat and increase body temperature. Shivering is the body's way of trying to maintain homeostasis, or a stable internal environment, when exposed to cold temperatures.