Which sentence would be a strong supporting evidence for the following claim?

Owning pets is part of a healthy lifestyle.< that's not one of the question)

A.More than 70 percent of gym teachers in the United States own cats.

B.Walking your dog 20 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease.

C.Having a talking species of parrot can be a real source of entertainment.

D.Watching fish swim in a tank is better than watching television.

B>Walking your dog 20 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease.

A>College should be free for everyone.
A.D>author's name. Sample size
C>which one supports the other
D>vary your sentence structure.
B>Their audience may not understand what they are saying.
C>make a call to action
C>It should help them to recognize the major points.

The sentence that would serve as a strong supporting evidence for the claim "Owning pets is part of a healthy lifestyle" is option B: "Walking your dog 20 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease."

To determine which sentence provides strong supporting evidence, we need to look for a statement that directly links owning pets with health benefits. Option B fulfills this criteria as it specifically mentions that walking a dog for 20 minutes a day can reduce the risk of heart disease. Walking is a form of physical activity that contributes to a healthy lifestyle, so owning a pet that requires regular walks can be seen as an indicator of a healthy lifestyle.

It is important to note that while the other options may also highlight certain benefits or sources of entertainment associated with owning pets, option B provides a direct link to a health benefit, making it a stronger supporting evidence for the claim.

The sentence that would be a strong supporting evidence for the claim "Owning pets is part of a healthy lifestyle" is B. "Walking your dog 20 minutes a day reduces the risk of heart disease." This sentence provides a specific example of how owning a pet can contribute to a healthy lifestyle by promoting regular exercise and reducing the risk of heart disease.