could i have some guidance here? i dont know how to write this 🕺

Q: Write an algebraic expression to model each situation:

14. $45 total is spent on pencils, calculators, and rulers. Pencils (p) cost $2, calculators (c) cost $25, and rulers (r) cost $4, each.

2 p + 25 c + 4 r = 45

thanks anon!!! <3

You are welcome.

Of course! I'm here to help you.

To write an algebraic expression for this situation, we need to break down the total cost spent on pencils, calculators, and rulers.

Let's begin by defining the variables:

p = cost of pencils
c = cost of calculators
r = cost of rulers

Using the given information:
- Pencils (p) cost $2 each
- Calculators (c) cost $25 each
- Rulers (r) cost $4 each

Now, we can write an algebraic expression to represent the total cost spent. The expression will be the sum of the cost of pencils, calculators, and rulers.

Total cost = (cost of pencils) + (cost of calculators) + (cost of rulers)

Since there are multiple items of each type, we need to multiply the cost by the quantity of each item.

Total cost = (2p) + (25c) + (4r)

So, the algebraic expression to model this situation is: 2p + 25c + 4r.

I hope this helps you with writing the algebraic expression! Let me know if you have any further questions.