What is the best base build and what is the best monument to run?

More data needed. What are you referring to?

i am referring to the video game rust on console.

anthony your bugin

The best base build and monument to run in a game can vary depending on the specific game you are referring to. However, I can guide you on how to determine the best base build and monument in general.

1. Understanding the Game: Different games have different mechanics, features, and objectives. It's crucial to understand the fundamental aspects of the game, such as base-building mechanics, defensive strategies, resource management, and the role of monuments.

2. Research and Analysis: Research is an essential step in determining the best base build and monument. Here's how you can analyze different options:

a. Base Build: Study various base designs that have been successful in the game. Look for designs that prioritize security, resource protection, and strategic placement of defensive structures. Consider factors like defense effectiveness, resource accessibility, flexibility for expansion, and the ability to counter different threats.

b. Monuments: Explore the different monuments available in the game and their respective benefits. Monuments often provide unique bonuses or resources. Analyze the advantages of each monument, such as increased resource production, defensive buffs, offensive capabilities, or special abilities that aid in gameplay progression.

3. Community and Expert Recommendations: Engage with the game's community, forums, and other platforms to gather insights from experienced players. Seek recommendations and understand their reasoning behind their choices. Experts or experienced players often have valuable insights into proven strategies and effective base builds.

4. Trial and Error: Once you have gathered information and insights, it's important to experiment with different base builds and monuments. Test them in various scenarios to see how they perform and adapt to different gameplay situations. Evaluate their effectiveness based on your playstyle and objectives, as what works best for others may not necessarily work best for you.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the "best" base build and monument. It ultimately depends on your playstyle, the game's mechanics, and the current meta-game strategies. Continuously adapt and refine your base build and monument choice based on your experiences and the evolving dynamics of the game.