The Washington Monument is 169 meters tall with a square base 16.8 m wide. An artist plans to construct a replica on the shore of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, using a scale factor of 1:8.

What is the area of the replica’s base in square meters rounded to two decimal places?






To find the area of the replica's base in square meters, we need to first determine the dimensions of the replica's base using the given scale factor.

The scale factor of 1:8 means that for every 1 unit of the original Washington Monument, the replica will be 1/8th of that size.

Given that the original Washington Monument has a square base that is 16.8 meters wide, we can calculate the width of the replica's base:

16.8 meters ÷ 8 = 2.1 meters

So, the width of the replica's base is 2.1 meters.

To find the area of a square, we can square one of its sides. In this case, we square the width of the replica's base:

2.1 meters x 2.1 meters = 4.41 square meters

Therefore, the area of the replica's base in square meters, rounded to two decimal places, is 4.41.

Hence, the correct option is: 4.41.

To find the area of the replica's base in square meters, we need to apply the scale factor of 1:8 to the original dimensions of the Washington Monument.

First, we find the length of one side of the replica's base by dividing the original width by the scale factor:
Length = 16.8 m / 8 = 2.1 m

Next, we calculate the area of the replica's base by squaring the length:
Area = (2.1 m)² = 4.41 m²

Therefore, the area of the replica's base in square meters is 4.41, which matches option (C) 4.41.

divide the area by 8^2