A grid shows the positions of a subway stop and your house. The subway stop is located at (0,-1), and your house is located at (-7,-4). What is the distance, to the nearest unit, between your house and the subway stop?

10 units
58 units
8 units
6 units

the distance is, per the usual formula,

√((-7-0)^2 + (-4+1)^2) = √(7^2+3^2) = √58 = 7.6
so, round up to 8



To find the distance between two points in a grid, you can use the distance formula, also known as the Euclidean distance formula. The formula is:

Distance = √((x2 - x1)² + (y2 - y1)²)

Using this formula, we can calculate the distance between your house and the subway stop:

Subway stop coordinates: (0, -1)
House coordinates: (-7, -4)

Distance = √((0 - (-7))² + (-1 - (-4))²)
= √((0 + 7)² + (-1 + 4)²)
= √(7² + 3²)
= √(49 + 9)
= √58
≈ 7.615

Rounded to the nearest unit, the distance between your house and the subway stop is 8 units. Therefore, the correct answer is 8 units.