what is the studies weekly answer for the crosssword puzzle 4th grade week 23

1 Jupiter

As an AI, I don't have real-time access to specific resources such as specific puzzle solutions or current editions of study materials like Studies Weekly. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer to your crossword puzzle in Studies Weekly.

1. Visit the Studies Weekly website: Go to the Studies Weekly website by opening a web browser and searching for "Studies Weekly" or by entering the website address directly (www.studiesweekly.com).

2. Log in or navigate to the appropriate grade and week: If you have a Studies Weekly account, log in using your credentials. If not, you may need to navigate through the website to find the materials for your specific grade (4th grade) and the desired week (week 23).

3. Access the crossword puzzle: Once you have reached the correct grade and week, look for the crossword puzzle activity. It might be labeled as "Crossword Puzzle," "Word Search," or something similar.

4. Solve the crossword puzzle: Use the given clues to complete the crossword puzzle. If you are stuck on a particular clue, try using prior knowledge, referencing textbooks or other materials, or looking up relevant information online.

Please note that the answer to your specific crossword puzzle will depend on the content provided in Studies Weekly for that particular week, and it may vary for different individuals or regions. It is recommended to refer to the official Studies Weekly resources for accurate and up-to-date answers.

i dont know

i do not know